There are two approaches you could take with to scaffold and seed your database for your tests....
you must either have that version of SQL Server Express installed on the same machine as Visual Studio, or you must upgrade the database file to use SQL Server Express LocalDB. If you upgrade the database file, you won't be able to access it with older versions of SQL Server Express....
'System.AccessViolationException' :Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. "Bad Sequence of Commands" FTP Error "Only true type fonts are supported." error "Resources" is not a member of "My" "Value Cannot be null Parameter nam...
As a beginner like me , Please help me with suggested code with simple steps how to resolve it would be very very helpful. The folder is full shared folder how can I access from core复制 ProcessStartInfo startinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startinfo.ErrorDialog = true; startinfo...
In VS Connect to a sql instance(".\SQLEXPRESS" or "(localdb)\v11.0") as followsT-SQL(Check the file version which will be generated by your sql instance)Note that this is a T-SQL command, so it needs to be run on a SQL connection to an instance with at lea...
Override settings on this page like the use of SQL Server instead of LocalDB or the use of an existing service account instead of a default VSA. These settings aren't imported from the configuration settings file. They are there for information and comparison purposes. ...
The SQL Server instance to allow the protocol being requested Allow access through the Window Firewall In order to allow access to SQL Server instance, we have to enable TCP/IP protocol which is not enabled by default. TCP/IP (Transmission ControlProtocol/Internet Protocol) is a set of protoc...
If you plan to run SQL Server Management Studio only on your local machine, you can ignore this warning, and later if you want to remotely access SQL Server you’ll need toconfigure the firewall. Depending on the operation results and the component status, you can re-run theSetup Support...
can i copy a form from one project to another project Can I show a ToolTip when a user hovers over a PictureBox control? Can not find hidden control in form designer Can't access controls on code behind - what am I doing wrong? Can't...
Confirm that the local computer can access the Internet. Have the user try to ping to verify that the computer can reach the Microsoft Entra authentication system. ErrorStoppedDatabaseDiskFull Synchronization stopped because the SQL Server data...