When I used the minikube dashboard on the cloud server, I found that I could not access the dashboard using my local browser I would like to ask if there is any method that comes with minikube or k8s to fulfill my above requirements Thank you. Attach the log file I don't think so ...
Now using k8s-sync I have synced all the services to consul and wondering how to access those services via consul ? Something like below curl Do I need to get my httpbin service registered to consul for accessing it from outside application ?
In this tutorial, you will installminikubeon a local computer or remote server. You will also access the built-in Kubernetes dashboard to explore your cluster in a browser. Once your cluster is running, you’ll deploy a test application and explore how to access it viaminikube. In the...
Service Discovery: It is one of the key areas of Kubernetes. You need to have basic knowledge of client-side and server-side service discovery. To put it simply, in client-side service discovery, therequest goes to a service registryto get the endpoints available for backend services. In se...
Hi, I'd like to deploy data labelling to the outside so that I can access and work from the outside IP using CVAT. To do this, we checked the guidelines for external distribution through Minikube provided by CVAT. https://opencv.github.io/cvat/docs/administration/advanced/k8s_deployment_...
Making requests to the API You are now ready to use our API and interact with your database. The last step is to expose the APIserviceto the outside world via your terminal:minikube service flask-service. You will now see something like ...
Please make a note of node port of ‘ansible-awx-service’, we will be using it later for port forwarding. Step 4) Access AWX Portal via tunneling To access AWX portal outside of minikube cluster, we must configure the tunneling, run ...
Create demo-ingress.yaml file with following content. When we apply this file, it will create ingress resource which will allow the application to be access from outside of kubernetes cluster via hostname. So, in this case, application hostname is ‘myapp.example.com’ ...
There are different methods for containers to gain access to a persistent storage of sorts. For example, if it’s about traditional Docker volumes, those reside in a directory below the Docker configuration. Bind mounts, on the other hand, could be any directory that is mounted inside of a ...
Then start the Minikube service in your current machine by running the below command: minikube start To check whether the Kubernetes cluster is running by using Minikube, run the below command: kubectl get node You should see the similar output to that shown below: NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION...