Metadata is a DigitalOcean service that allows a Droplet to access data about itself. DigitalOcean Metadata API Reference Complete reference documentation for the Metadata API for Droplets. Droplets can access the metadata service using the special, static, link-local IP address This...
import.metaobject is extensible, and the host can write any useful information into it. Let's see what useful information about the module you can access usingimport.meta. 1. Module's URL (the browser) A useful property both browser and Node.js assign toimport.metais theurlproperty. In a ...
if you want to migrate the metadata engine from a relational database (MySQL) to a key-value database (Redis), and the current usage of MySQL is 30GB, then the target Redis needs to prepare at least 15GB or more of memory. The
How to get access to database table metadata with Hibernate 5@vlad_mihalcea — Java (@java)August 14, 2019 Integrator Hibernate is very flexible, so it defines many SPI (Service Provider Interfaces) that you can register to customize Hiber...
How to configure access credentials for OSS SDK for Python,:To initiate a request using the Object Storage Service (OSS) SDK for Python, you must configure access credentials. Alibaba Cloud services use these credentials to verify identity information an
The main goal of this blog post is to showcase how you can discover the FILESTREAM assets in your SQL Server by querying the metadata. Some of those metadata queries may not be obvious so sharing this to make it easier 1. Create database with a FILESTREAM filegroup...
You can also open a Stream video in Clipchamp to edit it there, if you have the required access rights for the video file. Will it be possible to import or export transcripts, chapters, or other metadata from Clipchamp projects with Stream?
kind: Pod apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: workload-identity-pod namespace: default labels: azure.workload.identity/use: "true" spec: serviceAccountName: workload-service-account containers: - name: oidc image: env: - name: KEYVAULT_URL va...
alias kgp="k get pod"alias kgd="k get deploy"alias kgs="k get svc"alias kgn="k get nodes"alias kd="k describe"alias kge="k get events --sort-by='.metadata.creationTimestamp' |tail -8" Enable kubectl auto-completion: 代码语言:javascript ...
If replication can't be made to function, you may have to forcibly demote the domain controllers and remove them from the forest by using the Ntdsutil metadata cleanup command, and then promote them back into the forest. You can use a forceful demotion to save both the operating system ...