the Mexican army! It was too admirable to think of the death; it seemed so minor. Mesmerized by the facts, Jolene pulled her dirty blonde hair into a neat bun to keep out the heat. Misty was busy observing the intricate details on the paintings of famous defenders of the Alamo when som...
On the pros side, people who have mild red-green color deficiency are said to be better at detecting camouflage. Same with dichromats -- they're more attuned to texture, instead of being fooled by the patterns of color [source: Gene Reviews]. What do animals see? Contrary to popular bel...
But, yeah. So, it was just a funny argument to get into. And just to close the loop on that, my stance is: If you can’t afford organic or you don’t have access to organic, do not let that be a barrier toeating fruits and vegetables. ...