and walks through the crowd. he’s flanked by security guards, but even a small cadre of navy seals would be outmatched by the mothers and aunties and nieces who will, hulking security be damned, make a mad dash to the aisle to brush against usher and serenade him with his own songs....
ATAviation Electronics Technician(Navy Rate) ATApplanation Tonometer(ophthalmology) ATRoyal Air Maroc, Morocco(IATA airline code) AT3-Amino-1,2,4-Triazole(organic compound) ATAngst Technology(web comic strip) ATAero Triangulation ATAmpere-Turn(measure of magneto motive force) ...
EAEngineering Aide(US Navy rating) EAElectric Actuator EAEpisodic Ataxia EAEndometriosis Association EAExtended Address EAEmotional Affair EAEjército del Aire(Spanish Air Force) EAEvolutionary Acquisition EAEmployee Agent(insurance) EAExchange Access(Bellcore) ...