Before flashing firmware to the flight controller, make sure you make a backup of the existing configuration first, this allows you to revert to its original state if something goes wrong (very rarely you will need to, but better be safe than sorry). Here’s a tutorial onHow to backup Be...
When a user’s finger is gently placed on the sensor, it takes about ten seconds for the readings to stabilize. During this time, the figure should avoid movement or it will affect the reading’s accuracy. The heart-rate measurements in BPM can be monitored on the serial monitor with a ...
The console displays text output from the Arduino IDE, including complete error messages and other information. Information about the connected board and serial port is displayed in the window’s lower right corner. The buttons in the toolbar allow you to check and upload programs, create sketches...
Arduino Strings have been getting bad press due to the extra memory they use to make copies and the memory fragmentation they can cause. These can eventually consume all the available memory and cause the micro to miss-behave and reboot. This tutorial will show you how to avoid these two me...
User can’t upload sketch via WiFi, instead, User has to upload sketch to DUE use the via the DUE native USB port. (board and port both select: Arduino Due(Native USB port)) Bridge between DUE and Yun Shield works. Be aware if use console to see result in serial monitor. User shoul...
How to Get an Arduino Micros() Function With 0.5us Precision: I love Arduino microcontroller programming, and I regularly use it in aerospace research, as well as in home projects. As I work on my many home projects, however, I frequently find myself n
I'm going to show you how to emulate an Xbox controller with an Arduino, using a USB capable microcontroller and the ArduinoXInput library.
Give a name to the project Initialize all peripherals with their default settings Enable the RTC The BackUp Registers are part of the RTC peripheral so we will need to enable the RTC to be able to access them.In Pinout & Configuration Tab, go to Timers, and select RTC and then in the ...
Introduction to Visual Designer Proteus Visual Designer for Arduino simulation quickly and easily allows you to design and test Arduino projects without the need for programming experience. Watch Video Tutorial: Getting Started This video shows how to create a simple PCB in Proteus EDA Software fro...
Regardless of the chosen method, set your“Project name”and the“Location”of your project. Then, push the“Next”button. Complete the Arduino required information (board type, port number …) form and click“Next”. Do not forget to select the“Platform folder”that corresponding to the STM...