【中英双语】Thewizardliz- 如何接受自己并仍然做出改变 How to accept yourself and still make changes你可不能没意思 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多5540 -- 1:50 App Thewizardliz-不必着急去证明自己/这个视频会让你充满信心/This video will make you confident 4070 7 25:08 App The...
“I find that when we really love and accept and approve of ourselves exactly as we are, then everything in life works.” Louise L. Hay If you have not already watched the video on Lizzie’s inspirational talk, I encourage you to view it and learn to love and accept yourself… ...
Are you in doubt as to whether you have come to accept and love yourself or not? Check out yourself with these few points. If one or two of the points mentioned here is/are true for you, you really do not like yourself: 1. You always want people to be by your side because you c...
你如何爱自己,就是教别人如何爱你 How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you. 你如何爱自己,就是教别人如何爱你。声明:转载此文是出于传递更多信息之目的。若有来源标注错误或侵犯了您的合法权益,请作者持权属证明与本网联系,我们将及时更正、删除,谢谢。来源:中国日报 ...
Learning that my body was being recognized separately from the rest of "me" started influencing the way I treated myself. I was a conscious individual trapped inside the suddenly objectified vessel that was my body; a body I didn’t fully understand or love. It drove me to self destruct:...
A person with high selfesteem depends on his or her own happiness, rather than looking for someone else to make him or her happy. Happiness is an “inside” job. When you accept this “job” for yourself, you will build selfesteem, and then you will also receive love. 1. How...
5 When you accept the responsibility for yourself, you build up self-esteem, and then you receive love. A. Happiness is an "inside" work. B. What we need to do is to wait. C. If there is no self-esteem, there will be no love. D. So let's start with some questions by asking...
根据第一段 "Only when we fully realize who we are and accept ourselves, can we understand the love of someone else." 可知:只有当我们充分认识到自己是谁,接受自己,我们才能理解别人的爱。结合下文 "A person with high self-esteem depends on his or her own happiness, rather than looking for ...
B. Stop trying to be perfect. C. The better you know yourself, the easier it will be to love yourself. D. You will never be them and they will never be you. E. This is what you can truly do to make people happy. F. They can accept you for who you are and only want the ...
If you don't love yourself first, how can you confidently give and receive love? To understand the love of someone else, we should only fully realize who we are and accept ourselves. So let's start with some questions by asking yourself. Who are you deep down inside? What are your goa...