How Accepting a Compliment Graciously Can Improve Your ConfidenceKate Irwin
When it comes to receiving compliments, people have a variety of reactions. While some may graciously accept the praise, others may become uncomfortable and dismissive. One common reaction is to downplay the compliment. For example, if someone compliments your outfit, you might respond with “Oh,...
Personally, I’d say it comes very naturally to me and being on YouTube and being exposed and having that negativity around me just helped me to develop an even thicker skin. There’s a good saying along the lines of “What other people think of you is none of your business” and I ...
When someone praises you at work, it might be challenging to know how to respond to it. For some people, this can feel really awkward, and they don’t know what else to say other than“thank you.” But is it enough? Should you compliment them in return? What if you feel uncomfortabl...
When you respond to a compliment graciously, it reinforces your good points to everyone who can hear you. The person who is giving the compliment is rewarded. Your heartfelt response to their compliment will not only make their day a little better, it also increases the likelinhood of ...
How to accept a compliment Take this quick & easy quiz to test your compliment-receiving skills! Your friendsays, “You have a lovely complexion.” Youreply… A. “Oh, no I don’t, I hate my freckles…” B. “Thank you!”
Learning how to best take a compliment is pretty easy (even if changing an ingrained behavior takes some practice). You simply have to understand 1) how you dismiss compliments, 2) why you have trouble accepting them outright, and 3) why and how you can graciously acknowledge and accept the...
Few things can transform your day like receiving a compliment — or giving one. But these interactions can be difficult to navigate, if you can even find the time to initiate them. Considering how to accept praise gracefully, whether you should return the compliment, the best way to avoid mi...
Surround yourself with genuine people who build you up, instead of tear you down & when someone offers you a sincere compliment don't pull a Wayne & Garth,"(I'm) NOT WORTHY!" Accept it graciously, because YOU ARE FABULOUS! How can i accept myself if all i hear is that im a no ...
It’s only right that hard work, skill and commitment are rewarded with praise and gratitude. So why is it so difficult for some of us to graciously accept the recognition that we deserve? Recently, it occurred to me that there’s a lot of advice out there onhow to give praiseand posi...