A complex sentence consists of two or more simple sentences so combined that one depends on the other to complete its meaning; as; “When he returns, I shall go on my vacation.” Here the words, ”when he returns” are dependent on the rest of the sentence for their meaning. A clause...
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Unlike most French words that always require apreposition, days of the week usually don’t. For example:Mardi j’irai au supermarché(On Tuesday I will go to the supermarket) is the grammatically correct phrase. When the articleleprecedes a day of the week, it is used to generalize every ...
My first job out of college was working at a bank, and I was surprised at how often I was asked how to write a check. Since I got my first checking account when I was 15 and knew exactly how to fill out a check correctly, I had no problem answering that question. In those days,...
“Addressing an envelope takes some thought to do it properly,” according to Diane Gottsman, a national etiquette expert at the Protocol School of Texas. “I always use the name of the person, including an honorific when appropriate,” Gottsman tells TODAY.com. “Do not abbreviate the city ...
You can also abbreviate the month or day of the week to give you some more space. Examples: The party is on Aug 13. See you Sun! Social media posts Social media often calls for informal writing and date formats. You can omit the year, abbreviate the month and/or day of the week, ...
informative.While theystilldonotcritiqueorevaluateawork,they domorethandescribeit.Agoodinformative abstractactsasasurrogatefortheworkitself. Thatis,thewriterpresentsandexplainsallthe mainargumentsandtheimportantresultsand evidenceinthecompletearticle/paper/book.An informativeabstractincludestheinformationthat canbe...
You should also abbreviate all the US states with a two-letter code. For example, you would write CA for California or DE for Delaware. Address Examples To help you understand what a correctly formatted address should look like, we’ve included some examples you can refer to. US Address Ex...
Instead of listing every subject, you can abbreviate. E.g. ‘10 GCSEs including Maths & English’. It’s important to specify Maths and English as these are considered a bare minimum academic achievement by many employers. Again, individual grades aren’t necessary unless the employer specifies...
We abbreviate "1 square foot" as 1 ft².1 foot (1 ft) is a unit to measure length. When it is the unit of length, then 1 square foot (1 ft²) is the unit of area. And similarly for any unit of length and the corresponding unit of area....