AP Style for Place Names Use numerals for house numbers or for street numbers higher than nine, and abbreviate street, avenue or boulevard and directions when they're used as part of an address: 101 E. Lake Blvd. is correct, but if you refer to the street without an address, it's Eas...
“Addressing an envelope takes some thought to do it properly,” according to Diane Gottsman, a national etiquette expert at the Protocol School of Texas. “I always use the name of the person, including an honorific when appropriate,” Gottsman tells TODAY.com. “Do not abbreviate the city ...
But they only abbreviate these terms when they appear with an exact street address. If the street name stands alone, the street name shouldn’t be abbreviated. So, according to this style, you’d write:The museum is at 281 3rd St., at the corner of 3rd Street and Wilshire Boulevard....
Abbreviate Years: A Writing Guide Is It James' or James's? How toUse Contractions How to Use “Respectively” in Your Writing: A Complete Guide How toChange a Verb to a Noun How toIdentify an Adjective How toUse "Etc." Correctly How toUse "Too" and "To" Correctly Should You Use “...