Similar to an associate’s degree, there are different ways to abbreviate each type of bachelor’s degree: BA = Bachelor of Arts BBA = Bachelor of Business Administration BEd = Bachelor of Education BLA = Bachelor of Liberal Arts BSW = Bachelor of Social Work BS = Bachelor of Science Before...
Associate in Arts in English As a rule, you should spell out the full name of your degree rather than abbreviate it. That said— If you’re short of space on your resume, you’re free to abbreviate your degree. Just make sure it’s understandable to the recruiter. If in doubt, don’...
Let’s look at some real-life examples of different types of degrees at this level. First, an Associate of Arts degree: Example: EDUCATION AA in Business Designation Community College of Denver 2015 - 2016 Summa Cum Laude Next, here’s how you would list an ongoing Associate’s of Applied...
Here are some ways to doodle your name:[6] Write your name in cursive. Try writing it with exaggerated loops. Try writing your name as small as you possibly can while making it still legible. Write different versions of your name that abbreviate your first, middle, or last name. For ...