Choose the channel that you would like to join. You may have to double-click. You can choose a text chat channel (marked with a “#” sign, or a voice chat channel. If you’re not a current member of the Discord server that hosts the channel, there are two primary ways to join. ...
Step 5:ClickCreate Channel. Your newly created channel will now appear in the server’s sidebar. To change its position, drag and drop it where you want. Also read:How to Fix Screen Share Not Working on Discord How to Create a Discord Channel on Android You can also create a Discord ch...
Onlydiscord serverowners and members with admin privileges can make an AFK channel in Discord.Every time a user is unavailable for a certain period, Discord automatically adds the user to the AFK channel for a specific duration. Apart from the inactive members, Discord also adds the non-partici...
How to Connect Twitch Channel to Discord The steps for Discord-Twitch linking are pretty simple. You can follow the steps according to your device below. Note: You can follow the below steps to link Twitch Studio to Discord. On PC Step 1: Open the Discord app or web and log in to you...
Discord is a great platform for gamers, but it can be used for so much more. Did you know that you can create polls on Discord? This is a great way to get feedback from your users or to simply gather information. In this article, we will teach you how to make a poll on Discord...
You have done a setup Discord Bot and server. How do you remove yourself from voice channel discord? If you don’t want to be part of a voice channel in Discord, then it is very simple to leave it. You can either use Discord’s desktop app or mobile application to leave a voice ch...
You can easily create a dedicated Discord rules channel on every server. And with pre-created templates, you just need to copy-paste them.
Discord has a setting that sends a welcome message to a channel when someone new joins your server. It also lets you decide if members can click an option to reply to those messages with a sticker to say hi. You can change where the message goes (in theOverviewsection ofServer Settings)...
Joining a Discord server is very easy if you have the invite link. If you’ve received a link, all you need to do is press “Join” to access a server. But
Think of it as a group chat—without the chat part. When you create this channel, you will be able to control who has access to participate in the channel. It’s safe and fun for everyone! Luckily, when you sign up for Discord, you get a voice channel pre-made for you. You can ...