We are neurobiologically wired, and to learn anything, our minds must be focused and our emotions need to "feel" in balance. Emotional regulation is necessary so that we can remember, retrieve, transfer, and connect all new information to what we already know. When a continuous stream of ...
The mind-body connection happens on both a physical and chemical level. The brain is the hardware that allows you to experience mental states that are labeled the “mind.” This concept of the “mind” encompasses menta...
resilient, and able to thrive but also on the dark side of happiness.5 Experts have learned more about how our negative emotions affect us andwhat to do with them, and how we can remain emotionally healthy throughout the process. ...
As humans, we experience a vast range of emotions and feelings every day. These emotions can be positive or negative, and they can affect our thoughts, behaviors, and overall well-being. Understanding emotions and feelings is an essential aspect of emotional intelligence, and it can help us na...
A simple Google search of the word “love,” will flood your screen with red-colored hearts.More than 21% of respondents in the survey used the words “passion” and “love” to describe the color red.The color excites and draws strong emotions. It’s a powerful and attention-grabbing co...
People who can separate emotions from thoughts arebetter able to make decisionsbased on careful consideration instead of in-the-moment feelings. When a decision has major consequences for the future, it can be especially beneficial to approach it carefully rather than impulsively. Emotional intelligence...
Emotions in Communication: We can’t always control our emotions, but we can choose how we respond to those feelings when we write and speak.
How Emotions Affect Other People Someone gets angry with you Someone tells you that they are angry with you Someone tells you that someone else is angry with you In each of these situations, another person’s emotion may affect our actions, thoughts, and feelings. For example, we might ...
Journal before bed:Writing down your thoughts and feelings before bed can help you process any stress or anxiety from the day and reduce the likelihood of nightmares. This can be a helpful way to release any negative emotions and promote more restful sleep. ...
The first step to manage your triggers is to track them. Maintain a log of when you experience intense emotions or engage in behavior you want to change. When this happens, what is going on in your head? What is happening around you? Note it down. ...