Concrete anchors:Large, thick screws that secure wooden beams to concrete. Tie plates:Silver plates needed to support your bump-out. Reciprocating saw:A machine-powered saw that cuts wooden beams to size. Level:Used to keep your walls straight and even. ...
Or installing a 1/8" thick vinyl noise-reduction underlayment, or foam or nylon filament or other synthetic underlayment or sound-reducing underlayment when re-roofing will reduce roof noise both transmitted to the interior and to the exterior as well. All of option 2 looks very expensive ...
If you don’t buy a pre-painted or coated metal roof, it makes sense to do it soon after installation to prevent corrosion. A metal roof coating is an acrylic or silicone-based, rubbery coating that protects from the elements. Resembling thick paint, a roof coating, or sealant is applied...
Now, think about your space. To improve sound quality, it helps to cover your podcast booth’s walls with thick materials like a curtain or blanket. You can also use acoustic panels, bass traps and diffusers to better manage how sound bounces inside a room. These materials reduce noise and...
Cleaning rubber flooring is pretty simple, but it’s always a good idea to prepare yourself before you start to deep clean. Here are some helpful tools and materials to ensure your success. Tools: Broom or vacuum Mop (nylon, microfiber, or sponge) Bucket Soft bristle scrubbing brush Buffing...
So, for 3/4″ thick wood, you need a gap of 3/4″ on all sides. Baseboards and base shoe are designed to cover this gap once the floor is sanded and finished. In places where you cannot cover a gap against a vertical obstruction (for example, masonry walls or sliding glass doors)...
They are not as soundproof as you think. They can be filled with sand or mortar to be made more soundproof, but if the building is completed, what you have is some 2″ thick elastic concrete with air cavities within resonating the sound. Basically, the vibrations in the air on one side...
If you're trying to remove aceramic tile floorset in mastic, scraping away the grout and dousing the entire floor in water should loosen the tiles enough to make them easy to pry off, and you should be able to save the tiles. If the floor is set in a thick mortar bed on a concrete...
In addition to preventing oil and fuel spills, the protective layer provided by sealcoating can help to prevent snow and salt damage. The salt that is used to melt ice on roads and sidewalks can destroy the asphalt by eating it away. By applying a thick layer of sealcoat, you can protec...
Shingles that are too thick to bend for use on hips or ridge, such as Cambridge shingles, can still be used to shingle the ridge. The non-tab portion of the shingle is not as thick as the tabbed section, is more pliable, and the granules are the same color as the upper tabs. ...