How Stuff Works (2008) Bob Schmidt Self - Maple Lane Farms 1 How Stuff Works (2008) David Frett Self - River Valley Co-Op 1 Finding Faith (2013) Patrick McGovern Self - Sr. Research Scientist, University of Pennsylvania 1 Burton Baton and the Legend of the Ancient Ales (...
How Composting Works Companion Planting: The Do's and Don'ts of Growing Plants Together Learn which plants benefit each other - and which plants shouldn't be neighbors - to get the most out of your garden. Deserts of the World 5 of Earth's Highest Deserts ...
You can see how this works in the diagram below. Notice that the Lorentz force is parallel to the rails, acting away from the power supply. The magnitude of the force is determined by the equation F = (i)(L)(B), where F is the net force, i is the current, L is the length of...
The ability of a gyroscope to "defy gravity" is baffling! How can it do that? This mysterious effect is precession. In general, precession works like this: If you have a spinning gyroscope and try to change the orientation of its spin axis, the device will respond by changing its orient...
how stuff worksHow Stuff Works Introduction The world around us is filled with countless objects and processes that we encounter every day. Have you ever wondered how all these things work? From the simple mechanisms inside a sippy cup to the intricate inner workings of a computer, understanding...
科学探索纪录片《原来如此 How Stuff Works》 英语中字 720P高清 科普纪录片下载-纪录片素材1080P下载 咖啡最飘香 咖啡是除了水之外,世上排名第一的饮料;它的香气迷人,风味更是令人不觉地一杯接一杯;它让你头脑清醒,还创造了就业机会,拉近朋友间的距离,为现代人的工作动力充电,甚至有益健康。生的咖啡豆里有两...
Because there are no nerves in the skin and sweat glands, there is no way for the body and the brain to communicate with one another, resulting in anhidrosis. (You can get a more in-depth in-depth look in How Sweat Works.) CIPA doesn't have a uniform clinical pattern. For example,...
What can you do with the iPad app? How to Rearrange or Delete iPad Apps Fact or Fiction: Apple Sources Share: Citation More Awesome Stuff Up Next How the iPad Works Explore More Personal Finance How has the iPad 2 made banking easier? Computer How Android Tablets Wo...
How the BlackBerry Playbook WorksBy: Jonathan Strickland Mike Lazaridis, president and co-chief executive officer of BlackBerry parent company Research in Motion, announces the BlackBerry PlayBook at BlackBerryDevCon 2010 on Sept. 27, 2010. See more gadget pictures. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images...