第二章 固有免疫 (3)免疫细胞如何准确找到作战地点 【How the Immune System Works (英)/ 免疫学概览(中)】 2478 -- 8:19 App 第三章 B细胞和抗体 (1)B细胞受体BCR的制造游戏【How the Immune System Works (英)/ 免疫学概览(中)】 2312 -- 6:14 App 第三章 B细胞和抗体 (2)B细胞受体BCR如何...
本书既非卷帙浩繁的巨作,也非考试复习的摘抄,而是一幅免疫系统的概览图,旨在帮助大家解免疫系统协同工作的原理和奥妙。 第一章 免疫系统概览 我们的免疫系统采取团队协作的工作模式,各种成员协同配合、共同御敌。如果我们紧紧盯着免疫系统中的某一个成员,那就很难理解免疫系统的协同工作模式。因而,本书将采取观众视角...
How the Immune System Works - lecture 1生化细胞我最爱 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多7.7万 82 1:07 App 专属于男性的一对重要部位 14.3万 248 42:09 App 【合集】巨物恐惧症 13万 131 2:43 App 永动机真的可以实现吗? 23.7万 636 9:59 App 巨齿鲨灭绝之谜:是【无鲸】灭绝了...
This may not be a word-for-word transcript. The human immune system is the most complex biological system we know after the human brain, and yet most of us never learn how it works or what it is. Yo…
The MHC is quite sophisticated. A tiny microorganism "hiding" inside a human cell would not be recognized—and can wreak havoc. The MHC can bind to fragments of microorganisms within a human cell and carry these fragments to the surface of the cell so that they can be recognized by their ...
The article discusses the functions of human immune systems. It explains how the innate and adaptive immune systems protect the body against viruses and bacteria, as well as how the immune system can be damaged. It explains that innate immunity is composed of non-specific barriers of microbial ...
system, designed to give anyone who is learning immunology a feel for how the system fits together. About the Companion Website, x Lecture 1 An Overview, 1 ··· (更多) 原文摘录 ···(全部) 免疫学家常说抗体能够“调理(opsonize)”这些病原。这个词来源于德语,意为“为吃某物做准备” (查看...
How the Immune System Works has helped thousands of students understand what’s in their big, thick, immunology textbooks. In his book, Dr. Sompayrac cuts through the jargon and details to reveal, in simple language, the essence of this complex subject. In fifteen easy-to-read chapters, feat...
1How the im m une system w orks Source: http://www.aidsmap.com Information on the human immune system, including a description of immune cells and antibodies, and how the immune system's components work together to combat infection. How the immune system works ... 1 SUMMARY: HOW THE I...