Learn how hearing works from the experts at Miracle-Ear. Find out how the ear works with your brain to turn sound waves into something you can understand.
Find out everything you need to know about outer, middle and inner ear's anatomy and how to protect your ears' functions with our hearing devices.
Hearing is made possible through physical movement, rather than chemical reactions. Learn about hearing and see diagrams explaining the hearing process.
How the ear works, explained for childrenContents [show] Function of the sense of hearing What is the ear? The ear is the organ responsible for hearing and balance . The visible part is the ears or ears, which are only the external part of the hearing system and are only responsible for...
Ears help us collect and process sounds. In this lesson, you will learn about the three sections of the ear, different parts of the ear, and how...
This chapter discusses the way in which the ear works. Ears receive sounds that come from the outside world. They also transform the sounds that arrive as pressure waves in the air and are changed in the ear into electrical waves travelling along the acoustic or auditory nerves to the brain...
How our natural hearing works. Benefits of being able to hear from both ears. How hearing loss affects other areas of life.How we hear Hearing is the process of sound travelling through the outer, middle and inner ear. Although sound enters through the ear, it is interpreted by the brain...
Do you remember trying this as a kid -- Holding one of the seashells you grabbed as a souvenir up to your ear? It seems like no matter how far away from the ocean you are, you can still hold a seashell up to your ear and hear the roar of the waves rolling onto the shore. The...
Mills: Now, you spend the first third of your book explaining the basics of how sound works, how the ear and the brain convert sound waves into brain activity. What makes sound unique in terms of how it's processed in the brain?
A cochlear implant is also an electronic device. Part of it sits behind your ear. But it also has a part implanted under your skin. A hearing aid works by making sounds louder so that your ear can pick them up. Cochlear implants skip past the damaged part of your ear and work directly...