Interview: Dr. Edward Hallowell discusses the recent sniper attacks in and around Washington, DC, and how people can overcome their anxiety over the attacksNEAL CONAN
I know Daniel refers to ‘’invisible power’’ as a team seeing Wattson’s fences from a distance and being scared away, I think he may be hinting at the fence toggle that they were talking about a few seasons ago that was supposed to come in season 9 where you can t...
The plaintiff, Tina Bennis, was the joint owner of a vehicle with her husband John. The latter was arrested by Detroit police when caught with a prostitute on a street in Detroit, and the car was seized as a public nuisance. The court found that despite having no knowled...
Our advice is to equip a powerful marksman rifle, a sniper turret and a support drone, and make your way to the farthest side of the Control Point, from which point you can snipe at the Hunters, as they draw the fire of the contentious factions battling over the site. If you get cau...
The “Sniper Massacre” on the Maidan in Ukraine by Dr. Ivan Katchanovski, University of Ottowa shows clearly detailed evidence how the massacre happened. It has Pravy Sektor confessions that show who created the “heavenly hundred”. Their admitted involvement as leaders of Digital Maidan by ...