“So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”2 However, God is so far above and beyond human, that it is would be a disservice to assign the limitation of male or female to God, just as much as it would ...
(#AmazonAdLink)Basic Bible Interpretationby Roy Zuck Logos Bible Software… Use REDEEMINGGOD8 to get 10% off You must Register to take this Course You must register to take this course.The normal price for this course is $197. However, those who are part of the Discipleship Group get to...
As Christians, we want to experience God through the Bible… we really do!But our good intentions fall flat when reading the Bible just doesn’t seem to help us experience God in a real way. What should feel dynamic and important and alive often feels confusing and boring and irrelevant. ...
you might be interested in looking intoKabbalahand Kabbalism. It is an ancient, constantly evolving approach to a profound theosophical understanding of God and God's intent
The guide to the right of Hunifer is Anubis, the god who oversees passage to the afterlife.胡尼弗右侧的引导者是阿努比斯,这位神掌管通往来世的通道。He holds Hunifer's life in the palm of his hand — literally.他将哈尼弗的生命牢牢地握在手心——字面意义上的。In ancient Egypt, life was ...
From Gods to God: How the Bible Debunked, Suppressed, or Changed Ancient Myths & Legends - 2012, Page 157 by Avigdor Shinan, Yair Zakovitch. Read From Gods to God: How the Bible Debunked, Suppressed, or Changed Ancient Myths & Legends now at Questia....
What is the size and weight of God? TheGod of the Bibleis beyond the constraints of space, time, and matter. Therefore, He is not God if The laws of physics constrain him.Because God exists above space, He does not have a weight, as gravity does not apply. Additionally, as God does...
How to Live the Bible — Says Who? Says God! Mel Lawrenz Minister at large for Elmbrook Church, and director of The Brook Network This is the one-hundred-twenty-sixth lesson in author and pastor Mel Lawrenz’ How to Live the Bible series. If you know someone or a group who would lik...
Those in Christian circles who do not like the notion that Genesis is real history like to tell creationists that ‘The Bible doesn’t tell ushowGod created’—as if we insist that it does so in every detail. They seem to think that this then means that the Bible allows for God to ...
I went down to Alabama a few weeks ago and had a religious experience. A man of God welcomed me into his home, poured us both cups of English tea and talked about what has been happening to Jesus Christ in the land ofDonald Trump. ...