Title: How Technology Positively Impacts My Life In the digital age, technology has woven itself into the fabric of our daily lives, transforming the way we interact, learn, work, and even娱乐. For me, the influence of technology has been overwhelmingly positive, enhancing various aspects of my...
Technology affects our lives, both positively and negatively. It has a significant impact on our way of thinking, communicating, and socializing with other people. So, how has technology changed our lives? Table of Contents[show] Simon Jones VP of Marketing,PubNub Impatience has crept into our ...
It’s when we become addicted to our gadgets and technology that we forget how to live. Technology addiction has developed into a disease and that’s that affects people in the current era. But it’s not too late. If we learn how to control how we use technology, then we’d create a...
This paper attempts to clarify how a Web technology-based approach (eStudy approach) affects students attitudes towards (1) studying mathematics/statistics, and (2) perceiving the very idea of the eStudy approach. A group of Finnish polytechnic students (n=53) participated in an experimental cour...
This paper attempts to clarify how a Web technology-based approach (eStudy approach) affects students attitudes towards (1) studying mathematics/statistics, and (2) perceiving the very idea of the eStudy approach. A group of Finnish polytechnic students (n=53) participated in an experimental ...
China (Grant No. 21ZDA086), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 71974188 and 71573254), and the Humanities and Social Sciences Special Research Fund of Ministry of Education in China (Research on Talents Training for Engineering Science and Technology, Grant No. 19JDG...
(Ren et al.2021), positively contributing to China’s sustainable development. The augmentation of internet infrastructure mitigates spatial constraints and furnishes essential information technology support for inter-regional exchange and cooperation. The gradual enhancement of internet infrastructure facilities...
Urbanisation level (Urb), which is measured by the share of urban population; education investment (Edu), which is measured by the national fiscal expenditure on education in each province; technological innovation expenditure (Tec), which is measured by the share of science and technology in ...
(Hahn et al.,2011). The training of self-regulation positively affects well-being, as it reduces negative affect and stress, and improves life satisfaction (Mrazek et al.,2021). Moreover, progressing toward goals can improve well-being (Carver & Scheier,1990), and the self-regulation ...
is still in its infancy. As stated by Larson (2009) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Education as a service industry has always been in urgent need of serious study.” With the advancement of technology, Seo et al. (2021) introduced artificial intelligence systems into online ...