While it’s always good practice to clean your garden tools, you should go one step further with pruning tools and sanitize them. If there’s a chance that you’ll be pruning diseased plants, sanitizing your tools will prevent the spread of disease to healthy plants. Generally, your tools ...
You should unleash your inner scrap artist. We've brainstormed before, the results would be unlike anything unleashed before. But I know, priorities... Anvil, thanks for the time you took to reply to my question. I guess I was trying to find out what you wouldliketo make if you ever...
The linden tree (Tilia Americana) makes an ideal landscape addition for its attractive foliage and fragrant edible flowers. The blooms can be harvested and used for tea. Linden trees may reach 75 feet in height. Gardeners can prune small linden trees by hand but should call a tree trimming s...
The bottom bit of your house is going to cover a 9x13 block area, with additional landscaping outside. I would say a 15x20 block of land should be good! It's best if you place it in an area where you can dig down easily - we'll build an awesome basement with mine access under ...
To be a funny person, you have to look funny. For example, the great comedians W. C. Fields and Jimmy Durante had big noses. (Technically, if you are funny, you should call it a "schnozz.") Bob Hope has a concave face. Steven Wright has mad scientist hair. Stan Laurel had a for...
the blade should have a single edge the edge should be curved from the handle to the tip, with no straight section the blade should be carbon steel, 1/10″ (2-2.5 mm) thick and 2″ (20-25 mm) tall the back of the blade should be in line with the top of the handle ...
(On devices with a keyboard, chat should open automatically when you hit /). This automatically enables flying. Creative Mode also makes you immune to damage and give you an unlimited inventory. 3 Double tap jump to fly. This can be finicky, so try it a couple times if it doesn't ...
The treasure room will contain an ender chest as well as a normal loot chest. The ship will contain a brewing stand with 2 Instant Health II Potions. 4 Loot the chests. Take the valuables within. If they are enchanted with enchantments such as Fire or Blast Protection, you should take th...