Standing at 7 feet tall, thisRhino cosplayfrom Roger P - aka @hummin_h2 - stands out among other Marvel villain cosplays from this year. The enlarged size of the character and attention to detail in this design make it look incredibly realistic despite the majority of it being a wearable ...
Standing tall side-by-side and ready for a fight, @batsturd’s Wolverine and @impostercosplay’s Cyclops pull off their X-Force-specific grey and black outfits well, with Wolverine’s red eyes and Cyclops’ piercing red visor adding an edge to a badass image that does its comic counterpar...
When Almudron feels tired and doesn't want to put up with you, it will erect tall barriers of hardened mud to keep you away. Wirebug-climb these structures and resume your attacks while it's less feisty. You'll need to fight dirty, but keep at it, and Almudron will be eating du...