how tall you are, your measurements, stuff like that. And I think now they'll more cast you on your personality and how you kind of live your daily life, and how girls love that, and appreciate that, and aspire to that, and you know, it's a bit more meaningful ...
If you feel there is somethin 分享13赞 billboard吧 米忘忧 【Billboard】Kanye“史上最伟大专辑”F.L.O.P全砖歌词 分享667 科林摩根吧 Micky6002 【科林·身高】汤上说Col的身高是5英尺11英寸之前和几位妹子聊到Col的身高..后来在汤上无意看到了.. How tall is Colin? According to a fan report ...
This mindset is comforting to me in a way “everyone is beautiful!” is not. I don’t want to believe that I should be concerned with being beautiful, I want to believe that I can be comfortable with myself even though I’m also the kind of person who follows everything that comes ...
I can’t find the big rocks , I only have a 4 4 bottle of himalayan sea salt, I put it 8n a tall glass bottle overnight, and this morning it’s dissolved but I don’t know if I put enough, one video said do it again and wait overnight so do I buy another bottle , I’m...