ClimbingMt.Rainierisnotaneasyendeavornomatterhowfityouare.Ingeneral,youwill wanttoarriveinthebestshapeofyourlife.Morespecifically,eachindividualdayonRainier willconsistofatleastfivehoursofsteadyclimbingperdayataltitude,witharateofascentclose to1000ft/hourandatleast40lbsonyourback.Summitdaywilllikelybetwicethat...
As we drove in from the east side there are several amazing viewpoints of Mt. Rainier. On a clear day, you will be able to stop by Tipsoo Lake (on the 410) and see Mt. Rainier in the background. It is beautiful! There are a few other places like this that you will be able to...
Mt. Rainier National Park is one of the most beautiful national parks in the United States and a cornerstone of the Washington State Wilderness. Mt. Rainier towers over its surroundings and looks like something out of a dream! While hiking here, it felt like there was a breathtaking view ...