Is Mollie Tibbetts killer another sociopath, someone with no regard for someone else’s life. Random murders, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, are particularly frightening because there is no rhyme of reason to them. I’m still reading and learning about PDs even though it is no...
something very precious to me is a stool Mr Magpie made many years ago and my mother painted with intentions of giving it to me (the apple tart is from the shop in the photo above with the ♥I wheely like you♥ sign…they sell wonderful organic farm bread too)… my mutti found th...
A block of row houses -- narrow, tall, brick- or stone-faced homes, connected side-by-side -- is my shorthand for city perfection. Once a widespread building style, it basically doesn't exist in Seattle. The cities and towns of England are dominated by them (where they're called terra...
I’m still just so in love with the Levitate 2s (you can read my review here). The extra bounce was very needed the day after my track workout! Six miles @ 8:33 average pace and once again, my hands were cold for my run. Maybe I’m going to need to start
Google Maps' desktop functionality of Google Saved Places is glitchy and doesn't sync well with your phone. I recommend you stick to using it on mobile. Or go to theGoogle Collections pageto manage your saved places there. Missing From Route Planning ...
So, yeah, about that…. Still, it was a great exercise to go through and it helped keep me sane during the weeks leading up to the meeting. Click here for the pdf version of the poster Below is a picture of what it looked like at the conference. I was unable to spend much time ...
Most Common Text: Click on the icon to return to and to enjoy and benefit the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when...