Goku is the main protagonist of Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball franchise. Throughout the series, fans and general viewers got to see the Saiyan hero go from being a young 11-year-old boy alone in the world to starting a family of his own and experiencing life with friends, some of whom ...
Here Is A Kid Goku Drawing To Inspire You! Share Share on PinterestShare on Facebook Goku is truly one of the most beloved characters in all of anime. He has a distinctive look with his spiky hairstyle and clothing, and now you can recreate him as well. You have seen the steps in th...
儿时悟空(HoW Kid Goku) mod | 饥荒联机版 这是一个《饥荒联机版》的mod,提供了一个龙珠角色。 这个mod制作出来是为了一位朋友,他是《龙珠》和《龙珠Z》的超级粉丝,我希望这个mod能让一些粉丝开心,但提前道歉,这个mod可能不完美。 属性: 生命值:250 理智值:200 饥饿值:100 描述: 小悟空遇见了《饥荒》!在...