"Gojira" (translated into English as "Godzilla") is the first and best-known of the latter genre, while Kurosawa's epic "Seven Samurai" is often considered one of the best films ever made. The ninja and the yakuza (Japanese-style mafia) genres made their appearance in the 1960s and ...
Toji, the master of Electromagnetic Space Karate. "They say his karate goes beyond Newtonian mechanics and is on the level of the theory of relativity... I have no idea what that means..." So, a totem faced robot man in a karate gi is fighting PenisGodzilla. What more can you ask f...
I always thought the Tarrasque's name was "Godzilla" or Gojira or something similar. ;) And where does it say that Walls of Force can be merged together? It says that explicitly for Wall of Stone and Wall of Iron, but not Wall of Force. I would assume the omission is inte...