Hunger Games:The love story subplot in theHunger Gamescenters around the protagonist, Katniss and her relationships with Peeta and Gale, two boys she is attracted to for different reasons and must navigate while fighting for survival in the Hunger Games. The Lord of the Rings: InThe Lord of t...
Her voice portentous, she continued to read from the notebook. "With a mighty crack of thunder, the heavens rent. Rain lashed the crumbling abbey in unremitting torrents, and a crystalline gale blasted like the very breath of Hell." From her chair near the hearth, Cecily checked a smile....
When Katniss says to Gale in their goodbye scene, 'You can't protect anyone in an arena,' the arena has always been the metaphor for war. And innocent people suffer in war. That is such an important part thematically to the book that it's really unimaginable to think about ...
He plants a kiss on Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) without asking or apologizing ("I had to do that — at least once"), and helps provide for her family while she's off at the Games. His name is Gale (Liam Hemsworth), and it's been clear pretty much from the beginning that he's ...