读“我国正在实施的资源跨地区调配示意图”,回答1—2题。 1、箭头A和C的运输方式是 [ ] A、管道运输 B、高压输电 C、水陆联运 D、利用地势的自然落差自行输水 2、有专家指出,D工程很可能加重沿途有些地区的土壤次生盐碱化。有关成因的叙述正确的是 [ ] A、沿途河水渗透补给地下水,增高地下水位B、...
A tree that is 10 feet tall casts a shadow on the ground that is 4 feet long. If the shadow of an electric post is 10 feet long, what is the height of the electric post? SOLUTION Step 1: Translating the sentence “10 feet tall casts a shadow on the ground that is 4 feet long”...