Feet to inches conversion is used for converting a length measurement in feet into an equivalent measurement in inches. It is done by multiplying the givenlengthin feet by 12. There are 12 inches in one foot. 1 foot = 12 inches Afoot(abbreviation:ft, symbol:‘) is acustomary unitto measu...
The average height of women in several countries, including Brazil, China, Japan and Nigeria, is about 62 inches. Kim Kardashian, notable reality television star, is 62 inches tall. The only nation where men only average 62 inches in height is Indonesia. Rock music star Prince is reported to...
How tall is 5'5" in centimeters? Converting Between Feet, Inches, and Centimeters: In mathematics, we can convert between different units of measurement using conversion facts, or facts that give relationships between different units of measurement. To convert between feet, inches, and centimeters,...
The abbreviation 'ft.' stands for 'feet,' which is a standard unit used to measure length. Length can also be measured using inches, yards, or miles. Answer and Explanation: There are 60 inches in 5 feet. To find out how many inches are in 5 feet, you need to start with the numbe...
In each foot of measurement, there are 12 inches. A person that is 72 inches tall in the United States would be above average in height. The tallest average population is found in the Netherlands. Of the nations in the industrialized world, the United States has the shortest population. The...
How do you solve the following problem? Nick is 6 ft ft tall. He walks around the world. Assuming that the diameter of earth is 7915 miles, how much further does Nick's head travel than his feet? What are the steps to convert fluid ounces to q...
-Manny looks taller than Niko by a couple of inches, he's about 6'2. Playboy is probably about the same height as Manny, and Dwayne looks inbetween Niko and Playboy. -Elizabeta seems pretty tall for a woman, she looks about as tall as Niko (or even taller). ...
But BMI is an imperfect measure. It's based mostly on information from white males and doesn't allow for differences in gender, race, or ethnicity. It can be inaccurate, especially for people with lots of muscle mass or those who are very tall or short. A high BMI doesn't always mean...
10th Shahab Hosseini he is 174 cm 10th Arnold Schwarzen Agreed with his height now! But before, he must be about 6'2'' (1m88) 10th Monica Bellucci She loos tall with...mega heels. With bare foot, she 's just 5 ft 7 in (170 cm) http://www.celebheights.com/s/Monica-Bellucci-...
Andy is 6 feet tall. If 1 inch equals 2.54 centimeters, how tall is Andy to the nearest centimeter? The height of a toddler is 36 inches. The mothers height is double the toddler's height, less 5 inches. How tall is the mother?