How Tall Do Flowering Shrubs Grow? Pruning won’t keep a too-large plant under control. It’s best to choose the right-size shrub at the start. Some shrubs, like azaleas, are on the small side, growing 2 to 4 feet high. Spirea and oakleaf hydrangea are among the midsize shrubs; ...
Yews are absolutely beautiful when left to grow unpruned – the foliage is soft, remains green year round and is one heck of a windbreak. Yews planted the proper distance from each other (depending on cultivar) will grow together to make aperfect hedge, so dense that little can pass through...
Whether you want fresh flowers, veggies or simply some greenery, spruce up your terrace, balcony, deck or other space. Nearly everyone can enjoy the benefits of organic gardening. Build your own container garden that fits whatever size space you have.