To understand how this untying works, we simulate the behavior of 1,458 superfluid vortex knots of varying complexity and scale in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Without exception, we find that the knots untie efficiently and completely, and do so within a predictable time range. We also ...
LETTERS PUBLISHED ONLINE: 7 MARCH 2016 | DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS3679 How superfluid vortex knots untie Dustin Kleckner1*†, Louis H. Kau man2 and William T. M. Irvine1* Knots and links often occur in physical systems, including shaken strands of rope1 and DNA (ref. 2), as well as the...
Knots and links often occur in physical systems, idoi:10.1038/NPHYS3679KauffmanUnivLouisUnivH.UnivIrvineUnivWilliamUnivT.UnivM.UnivKlecknerUnivDustinUnivNature PhysicsDustin Kleckner, Louis Kauffman, and William Irvine, How superfluid vortex knots untie, Nature Physics 12 (2015)....