Highly specialized and continuous work makes humans machine-like, uncreative, inflexible, and, as Smith says, "as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become" (13). Repose, rest, and play are, therefore,... S Swift - Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 被引量...
Now it's their money and they can spend it on what they want. but this is all incredibly stupid. 这是他们的钱,他们可以把钱花在他们想要的东西上。但这一切都非常愚蠢。 There are very few people more dependent on the systems of a modern society than billionaires. ...
根据“Sheepdogs leave their mothers when they are born. They grow up with sheep, and come to see them as their family. For this reason, they never attack the sheep, and help protect them”可知,牧羊犬在出生时就离开了母亲,它们和羊一起长大,并把它们视为自己的家人,所以它们从不攻击羊,并...
24.【答案】G【解析】根据空后的“Scientists say this is not because we are becoming more stupid, but because our brains have become better at working more quickly.(科学家们说,这并不是因为我们变得更愚蠢了,而是因为我们的大脑已经变得更善于更快地工作。)”可知,空处讲的是人类大脑的变化,G项“...
Griffith utilized the still-new technology of motion pictures to make "Birth of a Nation," a film that portrayed African-Americans as stupid, lazy and menacing, and glorified the Ku Klux Klan for standing up for the rights of the white majority. It was so effective in fomenting hate ...
More Proof Neanderthals Weren't Stupid: They Made Their Own String Life Science Eve Gene: Do We All Descend From a Common Female Ancestor? Advertisement How Cave Dwellers Work By: Ed Grabianowski Image Gallery: Caves Who knew they had cameras back then? See more pictures of caves. Petrif...
However, the advances in animatronics and computer animation, made it possible to make aliens look very different from humans. You cannot make an alien look too different from a human because the audience must recognize the character as an alien. Psychologically, we are very good at recognizing ...
A. they are always hungry and can't find food B. they are common and much, much smarter C. they are stupid birds loving tasty food D. they are not afraid of humans3. Which is the right order for crows to get tasty treats?①②③ A. ①→②→③ B. ②→③→① C. ②→①→③...
Make them stop making stupid and offensive insults to VeggieTales: In the House. Make them stop idolizing Larry the Cucumber, Mr. Lunt, Mr. Nezzer, Jimmy Gourd, Jerry Gourd, and the Scallions like they are gods since they are just made-up characters. Have them watch the show for the ...
8Scientists say this is not because we are becoming more stupid, but because our brains have become better at working more quickly.9 _ It's also about small genetic(基因的)changes happening to us. The movement of people around the world has caused humans to adapt even faster. It has ...