How Brain Mapping Works How CAT Scans Work How Deep Brain Stimulation Works How Ultrasound Works How Nuclear Medicine Works How X-rays Work More Great Links The Basics of MRI MRI Tutor Simply Physics National High Magnetic Field Laboratory Sources Share: Citation More Awesome Stuff Physical Sc...
fMRI is based on the same technology asmagnetic resonance imaging(MRI) -- a noninvasive test that uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the body. But instead of creating images of organs and tissues like MRI, fMRI looks atbloodflow in the brain to detect...
How Stuff Works (2008) Garrett Smith Self - President, Jolly Time Popcorn 1 How Stuff Works (2008) Mojmir Prokes Self - Balneologist, Chodovar Brewery 1 How Stuff Works (2008) Jeff Arnett Self - Master Distiller, Jack Daniels 1 Made in a Day (2020) Scott Gudbaur Self ...
How Composting Works Companion Planting: The Do's and Don'ts of Growing Plants Together Learn which plants benefit each other - and which plants shouldn't be neighbors - to get the most out of your garden. Deserts of the World 5 of Earth's Highest Deserts ...
In this way, the strength of the coiled spring works to move the parallel metal bars opposite the force of the camera's weight. The advantage of this system is that it's easy to adjust the spring strength to match different weight loads. The cable can be moved up and down on the end...
Now that we've covered the nervous system, let's discuss the brain, cerebrospinal fluid, and other related elements in the next section. Looking Inside the Brain MRI machines are commonly used to investigate the brain. See how much you know about them in our MRI Quiz.The...
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A separate study conducted with MRI equipment found a relationship between dreams that are particularly graphic, weird and highly emotional, and the parts of our brains known as the amygdala and the hippocampus. The amygdala is linked to how we deal with emotions while the hippocampus is involved...
Todd A. Gould, "How MRI works", How Stuff Works. Inc., Vol. 10, 2008.Gould TA, How MRI works. Health, Willis HRH 08/09:1-8; 2008Gould TA. How MRI works. HowStuffWorks, 2008. Avail- able from: URL:
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