Why is there a strong nuclear force between protons? Is nuclear a natural force? What is nuclear force of attraction? Why is the strong nuclear force short range? Is the strong nuclear force the same as strong interaction? How are the electromagnetic force and the weak nuclear force alike?
Generally, that means that 37 billion atoms in the sample are decaying and emitting a particle of nuclear radiation (such as an alpha particle) per second. One gram of of the element radium generates approximately 1 curie of activity (Marie Curie, the woman after whom the curie is named, ...
BEIJING, Feb. 4 (Xinhua) -- "A strong buttress to the blue flag (of the UN)" was how Csaba Korosi, president of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), depicted China in late September last year. The UN official, who took the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the ...
BRITAIN’S ARMED forces have much to be proud of. The Royal Navy is engaged in some of the most intense naval skirmishing since the Falklands war, knocking Houthi missiles out of the sky above the Red Sea. The Royal Air Force (RAF) is still flying over Iraq and Syria to keep Islamic ...
How does the strong nuclear force stabilize the nucleus? Define weak nuclear force Is the strong nuclear force dependant on mass? Is the strong nuclear force the same as strong interaction? What is the range of strong nuclear force? How do we sense the weak nuclear force? What is ...
And wrecking yards have cranes with built-in electromagnets strong enough to pick up and move entire cars. Electromagnets are especially useful when they're placed on an axis between two stationary magnets. If the electromagnet's south pole is situated against the south pole of one stationary ...
Instead, it was joined to the weak nuclear force. Particles known as B and W bosons also existed at this time. When the universe was just 0.00000000001 seconds old, it had cooled enough for electromagnetism to break from the weak nuclear force and for the B and W bosons to combine into ...
At its heart, a piece of bullet-proof material is just a very strong net. To see how this works, think of a soccer goal. The back of the goal consists of a net formed by many long lengths of tether, interlaced with each other and fastened to the goal frame. When you kick the ...
Reflected light - Reflected light, usually in the form of glare (see explanation above), is light that has bounced off a reflective object to enter your eyes. Just like direct light, strong reflected light can make it difficult to perceive the details or directly view an object. Snow, water...
America did not put Saddam in power. He emerged after two decades of turmoil in the '60s and '70s, as various strongmen tried to gain control of a nation that had been concocted by British imperialists in the 1920s out of three distinct and rival factions, the Sunnis, Shiites and the...