The introduction of Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) into the MCU directly leads to her involvement in the fight against Thanos inAvengers: Endgame. However, with film wanting to focus on the original six Avengers, coupled with the risk of the character being a deus ex machina considering her pow...
The last movie to launch in theaters before that Thanos moment, Thor: Ragnarok takes place in late 2017. Avengers: Infinity War The Marvel movie that, without spoiling anything, changed the MCU. The third Avengers movie occurs in early 2018. Ant-Man and the Wasp Events in Ant-Man's second...
Even so, Disney Plus is by far the easiest way to watch the MCU in order. Let's dive into the list. Iron Man The Incredible Hulk Thor Iron Man 2 Captain America: The First Avenger The Avengers Iron Man 3 Captain America: The Winter Soldier Thor: The Dark World Guardians of the ...
characters together, with an alien invasion bringing together Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Nick Fury, Loki, Erik Selvig, Pepper Potts, and Phil Coulson in the same story, but the movie also marks the arrival of both Maria Hill and Thanos to the live-...
Unfortunately for PlayStation, XboxEra co-founder Shpeshal_Nickleaked a majority of the other revealson X over the weekend. His list was very lightly coded, but here are all of the games he seems to be alluding to in his post (as deciphered by Rand al Thor 19): ...
It doesn’t attempt to set up a wider universe or a succession of sequels; much like the classic 1987 original, Prey is just a strong standalone story about a fierce human warrior taking on a ruthless otherworldly hunter. Fede Álvarez’s untitled Alien movie (which is going to theaters...
is now among the most well-known characters in popular culture. "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Avengers: Endgame" brought the Mad Titan and his Black Order to the forefront, and although his MCU interpretation received a five-star treatment, one part of Thanos' entourage was conspicuously absen...
Doctor Strangeis one of the MCU"s most powerful characters, but his powers aren"t exactly identical to those in Marvel Comics. Doctor Strange"s MCU timeline is a little shorter than most other prominent heroes like Thor, Hulk, and Captain America after his solo movie debut in 2016 was foll...
The last movie to launch in theaters before that Thanos moment, Thor: Ragnarok takes place in late 2017. Avengers: Infinity War The Marvel movie that, without spoiling anything, changed the MCU. The third Avengers movie occurs in early 2018. Ant-Man and the Wasp Events in Ant-Man's second...