The Sendai earthquake revealed vulnerabilities, but that's not the half of it. Supply chain disruptions have been around as long as goods have been transported, but because of the lean, far-flung nature of modern supply chains, they're more susceptible to disruption than at any time in ...
In recent years, China's booming exports of the "new three" speaks volumes. The three major tech-intensive green products -- solar batteries, lithium-ion batteries and electric vehicles -- stand as an eloquent testimony to China's manufacturing prowess and strong presence in global supply chain...
By making their supply chains more transparent, SMEs can build trust and boost confidence among their customers. For example, blockchain can help businesses demonstrate their commitment to ethical sourcing and sustainable practices, which are increasingly insisted upon by environmentally ...
Chain locks are generally less popular than u-locks. However, there are several great things about chains: Firstly, their relative length and flexibility means you can secure your bike to a wider range of objects. Secondly, for people that don't like those annoying u-lock frame mounts, the...
President Xi calls for a strong development of blockchain in China: What's next? Why ripples from this Estonian blockchain experiment may be felt around the world Software developers are keeping an open mind about blockchain Challenges to implementation ...
On x86, this kind of re-ordering is impossible. In fact, on x86 the memory model is so strong that stores are totally ordered---there is a single global One True Ordering for all stores. So this bug would not happen, even without any memory barriers. ...
Cryptographic algorithms are used in blockchain to provide strong security; they record transactions and make tampering nearly impossible. Information is stored in blocks that are linked together using cryptographic hashes. If someone tries to tamper or modify a block, they will have to change every...
Yes, penetration pricing is a valid strategy is that is used to temporarily offer lower prices to attract a customer. There is nothing unethical or illegal about it, though there are very strong considerations a company must make once a customer has been attracted. For example, once a new cu...
SCM is based on the idea that nearly every product that comes to market does so as the result of efforts by multiple organizations that make up a supply chain. Although supply chains have existed for ages, a lot of companies didn't pay attention to them as a value-add to their operation...
Some of the world's emerging economies are benefiting from the integration of blockchain technology in various ways. In diverse countries such as India, Kenya, and East Africa, blockchain technology has found uses in banking and financial services, supply chains, agriculture, and in managing land...