How strong can a 3D printed part really be? It’s a reasonable question to ask of such a relatively young technology—especially if you’re considering incorporating 3D printing into your business’s manufacturing processes. In fact, 54% of survey respondents say they are ext...
The Strength of Material Used to Create 3D Printed Parts Why Using 3D Printing Makes Sense for Strong Objects Introduction 3D printing is an additive manufacturing process of creating three-dimensional solid objects from a digital 3D drawing, and successive layers of material are placed to form the...
Automotive enthusiasts all over the world are using 3D printed parts to restore old cars. One such example is when Australian engineers printed parts to bring a Delage Type-C back to life. In doing so, they had to print parts that were out of production for decades....
to give a smoother and more accurate printing process. They are used to avoid the unalignment of the layer heights towards the points on the printer motors. This misalignment might lead to printing imperfection, especially in the profile view of a printed part. ...
Successfully produce 3D printed parts out of polypropylene filament with these tips on achieving stronger bed adhesion and minimizing shrinkage. Polypropylene(PP) is a popular semi-rigid polymer material used to produce many common consumer products due to its superb mechanical properties. Suitable for...
What are the ideal ways to assemble 3D-printed components? This article compares different methods for designing threads for 3D printing and provides step-by-step instructions on how to install screws and other fasteners.
B. Polishing,sometimes, the 3D printed items’ surface will be rough (such as SLS 3d steel printing) and need to be polished. The polishing methods are concrete polishing and chemical polishing. The three technologies commonly used are sanding, sanding, bead blasting, and vapor smoothing. ...
Thecarbon fiber 3D printedprototypes (pictured here) and the end-use stainless steel parts had about the same signs of wear and damage. In the tunneling industry, the clay that is excavated can create a major problem by sticking to the cutting wheel of the boring machine. The clay will har...
Use a metal patch– If the hole is large or needs a strong, permanent seal, you can use a metal patch. This is done by cutting a thin metal to fit over the hole and then gluing it into place. How to Fix Plastic 3D Printed Parts?
ABS filament is a versatile material that's a great option for when you need your 3D-printed parts to be strong and heat-resistant. Learn how to print this material like a Pro in this in-depth guide.