This is a repetitive series of overlapping strokes designed to warm her up to the massage and make sure she’s well lubricated with oil. It can be done with you either between her legs or at her side. At her side, place the base of one palm at the bottom of her vagina and draw it...
For simplicity, this example processes all strokes by specifying anInkRecognitionTargetofall. Specifying anInkRecognitionTargetofrecentprocesses only the strokes that were added since the last call toRecognizeAsync. This is typically useful in cases where all strokes are treated as handwriting, and they...
But women are more likely to have additional symptoms, including nausea, loss of consciousness or appearing confused. Women also are more likely to have migraines, which can double their risk of clot-caused strokes, according to a2023 review of researchin theJournal of Strokeco-authored by Bushn...
As with strokes, heart attacks can be treated with antiplatelet medications, such as aspirin, and other drugs that control some of the risk factors such as high cholesterol or blood pressure. Statin medications that lower cholesterol levels are one such intervention, Sallam e...
Hemorrhagic strokesare extremely dangerous because the blood in the brain can sometimes lead to further complications such as hydrocephalus, increased intracranial pressure, and blood vessel spasms. If not treated aggressively, these conditions can lead to severe brain damage and even death. ...
Warning dialog box when trying to flatten the transparency of bristle brush strokes in a document with more than 30 bristle brush strokes More like this Have a question or an idea? If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, come and participate inAdobe Illustrator Community. We wo...
All objects in a Live Paint group are treated as if they are part of the same flat surface. This means you can draw several paths and then color separately each area enclosed by these paths (called a face). You can also assign different stroke colors and weights to portions of a path ...
In broad strokes, I identify three main types of foreign interactions purported to send a 'message' to North Korea – economic sanctions, summit diplomacy and military exercises/fleet movements – and examine how these are treated in North Korean fiction produced by the Korean Writer's Union, ...
Most strokes are ischaemic, meaning a blockage stops blood flow to the brain. In approximately one in four ischaemic strokes the cause is undetermined. "The best therapy to prevent another stroke depends on the underlying cause," said Dr. Ratajczak-Tretel. "Those with atrial fibrillation should...
If you blend between objects with multiple appearance attributes (effects, fills, or strokes), Illustrator attempts to blend the options. If you blend between two instances of the same symbol, blended steps will be instances of that symbol. If, however, you blend between two instances of differ...