视频转自:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-t1Z5-oPtU 原翻译: Zhao Harry 原校对: Yunxi Shi 二次校对&美工&文案: 被慢性压力的危害给吓得有压力的Kerry💎剪辑: 不想因为慢性压力发胖/得心脏病的Tina💦 谢谢观看੭ •ᴗ• )੭♥看官请点个赞再走吧~!
v=WuyPuH9ojCE 压力并非总是坏事,它有时能提供额外的能量和专注,例如在你参加竞技运动或公众演讲时。但当压力持续存在时,它实际上开始改变你的大脑。Madhumita Murgia展示了慢性压力如何影响大脑的大小,结构和功能,直至基因级别。 原翻译: Jackson K 原校对: Tianchang Luo 二次校对&文案: Pierre 美工&剪辑: ...
Performance in TournamentsPsychosocial StressGender GapSince many key career events, such as exams and interviews, involve competition and stress, gender differences in response to these factors could help to explain the labor-market gender gap. In a laboratory experiment, we manipulate psychosocial ...
Pressure, one of the significant life stressors, affects performance, as shown by the“Inverted-U”graph below, which was created by Robert Yerkes and John Dodson in 1908. (Image frommindtools.com) Figure 2: The Inverted-U Model or the Yerkes-Dodson Law ...
In general, both men and women perform better in competitive situations. However, when women are in a state of elevated stress, competition has the opposite effect and leads to worse performance. As a consequence, women under stress increasingly shy away
Acute stressis the most common form. It’s the short – term stress that comes from obvious triggers like running late for work, or being involved in a vehicle accident. Episodic acuteis the same type of stress as acute stress, but it happens more frequently. If you know someone who’s...
Stress isn't a bad thing. It can be handy for a burst of extra energy and focus, like when you're playing a competitive sport, or have to speak in public. But when it'scontinuous, the kind most of us face day in and day out, it actually begins to change your brain. ...
But ironically enough, running is also a stressor—which just proves that not all stress is harmful and a little bit can actually help your health and performance. “Sometimes [stress] gets a bad rap, like if you have a presentation at work, are dealing with traffic, or have an ...
how stress affects learning.study Hired 1,175 biology students. A study on The process of1. test anxiety the study Divided the students into four groups.The students all took their final test in biology.The findings of the All stress-relieving activities worked 3.equally study well at helping...
How Stress Affects The Body 压力如何影响身体Brain: difficulty concentrating, anxiety, depression, irritability, mood, mind fog大脑: 注意力不集中、焦虑、抑郁、易怒、情绪低落、思维混乱Cardiovascular: higher cholesterol, high blood pressure, increased risk of heart attack and stroke心血管疾病: 高胆固醇,...