视频转自:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-t1Z5-oPtU 原翻译: Zhao Harry 原校对: Yunxi Shi 二次校对&美工&文案: 被慢性压力的危害给吓得有压力的Kerry💎剪辑: 不想因为慢性压力发胖/得心脏病的Tina💦 谢谢观看੭ •ᴗ• )੭♥看官请点个赞再走吧~!
TED字幕|食物是如何影响大脑的|健康饮食能防止大脑功能衰弱|How the food you eat affects your brain中英双字 2630 1 4:45 App TED双字|考试时大脑一片空白怎么办?别慌,你还有救!!|记忆如何被压力影响|Does stress affect your memory中英字幕 1.2万 9 4:39 App TED双字|熬夜真的会猝死? 睡眠不足的后果|...
How Stress Affects The Body 压力如何影响身体Brain: difficulty concentrating, anxiety, depression, irritability, mood, mind fog大脑: 注意力不集中、焦虑、抑郁、易怒、情绪低落、思维混乱Cardiovascular: higher cholesterol, high blood pressure, increased risk of heart attack and stroke心血管疾病: 高胆固醇,...
You're going to have some stress in your life -- we all do, and it's normal. One of the best things you can do for your health is manage that stress, even when you can’t control the source of it. Some stress can be good. It can be a challenge that keeps us alert, motivated...
Tips to Fight Stress | How Stress Affects Your HealthTara Gidus
Stress isn't a bad thing. It can be handy for a burst of extra energy and focus, like when you're playing a competitive sport, or have to speak in public. But when it'scontinuous, the kind most of us face day in and day out, it actually begins to change your brain. ...
5 experts' top tips for handling work stress Five major health benefits of having a laugh It's official: Stress makes us crave junk food Why you need to know about the 'stress cycle' Healing scents to help insomnia, anxiety + more ...
D Everyone has a story to share about how stress affects their body, particularly in their skin and hairthe only tissues we can see from the outside. Recently, a team from Harvard University provides scientific evidence to support the ide a that stress can cause a persons hair to turn gray...
Because the onset of panic attacks is sudden, it can be difficult to trace them back to a concrete reason. However, it’s often our body’s response to a buildup of stress. Most people may have one or two panic attacks in response to extreme stress. However, if you’ve had recurring...
Our hard-wired stress response is designed to give us the quick burst of heightened alertness and energy needed to perform our best. But stress isn't all good. When activated too long or too often, stress can damage virtually every part of our body. Sharon Horesh Bergquis...