Often dietary and behavioral modifications can ease constipation during pregnancy and are considered safe. Eat a diet rich in fiber with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Supplement fiber in the diet with over-the-counter products such as Metamucil, which is considered safe Stay hydrated – d...
Not every woman knows what to do with constipation during pregnancy. Food plays a huge role in the treatment. A pregnant woman should include in her diet food that is composed of substances that help with defecation. You should also be aware of the food, the use of which may cause constip...
How can you tackle constipation in pregnancy?EBSCO_bspChemist & Druggist
Constipation in pregnancy Here to your hormones are again one of the culprits. Progesterone ensures that your bowels slow down during pregnancy. As a result, you have fewer feces. The stools stay longer in your intestines with the result that more fluid is extracted from it. Your stools can ...
How to Tell When You Got Pregnant or Conceived How Soon Can I Take a Pregnancy Test? Am I Pregnant, or Is My Period Just Late? Unprotected Sex: Can I Get Pregnant? 9 Reasons for a Missed Period and Negative Pregnancy Test Result
Pregnancy planning begins even before conceptionfor many women. Others choose to start planning when they are aware of a pregnancy. While it is possible to have a healthy pregnancy and baby without a pregnancy plan, developing a pregnancy plan is one way to help ensure your baby has the great...
Most cat owners start querying whether or not their feline friend could be pregnant after observing various external signs that "fit with" their perception of what a pregnancy should look like (this pre-conception of what a pregnancy should look like is generally based on people's experiences wi...
Pregnancy planning begins even before conceptionfor many women. Others choose to start planning when they are aware of a pregnancy. While it is possible to have a healthy pregnancy and baby without a pregnancy plan, developing a pregnancy plan is one way to help ensure your baby has the great...
While breastfeeding during pregnancy is generally considered safe, you should consult with your doctor in the following scenarios: If you have a high-risk pregnancy or are at risk for preterm labor; If you are carrying twins; If you are having bleeding or uterine pain. How Does Breastfeeding...
The body changes significantly during pregnancy. The organs of the pelvic cavity shift around to make room for the expanding uterus. The breast tissue may become larger. Some individuals also experience a significant weight change which...