We are not to sin in our anger, but deal with it quickly (v. 26). When we are tempted to anger, even righteous anger, we cannot use that as an excuse to sin. We must deal with those sinful thoughts, feelings, and actions quickly (don’t let the sun go down on them). If we ...
In the bedroom, how clean and natural or alternatively, disgusting and sinful do our desires feel? Might they be a little odd, but not for that matter bad or dark, since they emanate from within us and we are not wretches? At work, ...
A sinful child that needs her Daddy. Like you, I need more of Him and much less of me. I pray that my How’s Your Prayer Life app will help you keep your heart prepared for prayer so that as you pray, you will know the love of Christ and be filled with all the fullness of ...
Real spiritual growth involves us turning from our sinful focus on ourselves to be refocused on Christ, His Word, and His people. So, from one point of view, the less we think about, “Am I growing spiritually?” it may well be likely that we are growing spiritually because we’ve sta...
(verse 29). In fact, King David, in the Bible, said, "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me" (Psalm 51:5). Sin is built into our very nature. I have yet to see a parent who had to explain to his children how to do wrong.They already ...
“per se and in themselves, independently of circumstances, are always seriously wrong by reason of their object. These acts, if carried out with sufficient awareness and freedom, are always gravely sinful.” If murdering a priest while he’s saying Mass doesn’t meet this criterion, it’s ...
In some cases, governments levy excise taxes on goods that have a high social cost, such as cigarettes and alcohol. These types of excise taxes are sometimes calledsin taxesbecause the good being taxed has a reputation for being "sinful" or with negative consequences associated with it.1 ...
are to a specific congregation at a specific time. Not every text is fitting for every occasion. Sometimes a congregation will need to hear of the comforting power of God. When those situations arise, preaching from Amos with his denunciations of sinfulness is not the right choice, for ...
Encouraged by the consideration of thy goodness, the beney Adam, the children of weak, frail, sinful man, shall take heart, and lay abide their natural timidity, and turn to thee, and put their trust in thee, gathering themselves under the shadow of thy protecting wings, and looking to ...
But there is a way to avoid God’s judgment on sinful humanity. That is to be hidden in Christ (Col. 3.3) because, as the book of Romans tells us, we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.Rom. 3: 9What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all. For we...