Kwanzaa is aPan-African holiday, meaning that it is meant to unite people of African descent, wherever in the world they live. It runs fromDecember 26 through January 1. Unlike Christmas and Hanukkah, which are religious holidays, Kwanzaa is acultural holiday(in fact, many people celebrate bot...
At this point, Halloween does seem to be headed for some changes, but there are many different ideas of what these changes should be. The Love of Halloween Fear of death and the unknown is what drives people to celebrate holidays like Halloween. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images So now that...
In the white suburbs of the ’60’s and 70’s where I grew up, everyone obeyed the Christian calendar. The only weeklong breaks we had during the school year were for Christmas and Easter. Jewish kids were an anomaly with their Hanukkah and Passover. And since there were no Hindus, Mus...
But they don't just want everyone to celebrate Christmas. They want everyone to celebrate it religiously. They don't want non-Christians to adapt this holy day to their own uses. Loki forbid the atheists should march in the Christmas parade, or put up billboards in December with atheist...