“This, then, is how you should pray: “’Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,New Living TranslationPray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.English Standard VersionPray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name....
Not knowing how to pray is probably the main reason why we encounter these problems. Thankfully, we have a model in Scripture from our Savior Himself on the things we should pray for. The Lord’s Prayer is not simply something that we should recite in church and at home; it is a guid...
Even though you’re being verbally, emotionally, or perhaps physically abused, you blindly believe in other people’s “goodness.” He didn’t mean it like that, you regularly tell yourself. She’s a good person, you say to yourself to excuse repeated toxic behavior. Though you’re being ...
a) There are no formulas. A conversation with God is about discovering how YOU should pray. b) Your everyday words get the message across to the Father. c) Effective prayer can be voiced while you’re doing the dishes or standing at the bus stop. d) You can have assurance that your ...
Knowing how to memorize a prayer creates total mental peace and connection. From the Lord's Prayer to the Apostle's Creed, learn it all now.
Although you might need to walk away from a relationship with a person with toxic qualities, as a believer, that should be the last resort. But you do need to be careful to relate to the toxic person biblically. There is room for protecting yourself and following biblical princi...
As children, we were surrounded by images, cartoons, and posters that taught sex was healthy and normal and should be engaged in regularly. When I was five, I had naptimes with my best friend, a boy my age. He and I would play doctor, inspecting each other’s privates while trying ...
Why should a woman desire the conversion of her husband? First of all and above all, that God may be glorified; because she cannot bear the thought that God the Father should be dishonored by her husband trampling underfoot the Son of God. Many pray for a revival. That certainly is a ...
4. The fourth principle for effective praying is to pray united as repentant sinners; we should confess . . . sins to each other and pray for each other. James introduces the mention of sin at the end of 5:15 in the context of praying for a sick person: If he has sinned, he will...
After that--like a jogger gaining stamina--you will find yourself able to devote more time to prayer.When should you pray? Many Christians in Korea rise before dawn to pray for the spread of the Gospel in their land and around the world. If you are a morning person, that may sound ...