For readers to be able to relate to him, he should also exhibit human flaws. So resist the temptation to create a perfect lead. Who can relate to perfection? You’ll also have an antagonist (also known asthe villain) who should be every bit as formidable and compelling as your hero. M...
Here are the steps all new authors should take when learning how to write a novel: 1. Start with a novel idea Of course, every novel starts witha book idea. You can’t learn how to write a novel if you don’t have an idea for the book in the first place. So, what’s the big...
Google and YouTube and your subtitle should include a few key keywords. In saying that, don’t overdo it—it still needs to make sense and sound genuine to potential readers. 3. Be clear and concise. Don’t let people get bored before they even finish reading the title of your ...
We’ll talk more about how to format chapters in just a moment. The ending At the very end of your novel, you need to write THE END, just like that, in all caps. This should come just after the final line of your story and should be center-justified. This helps the editor, agen...
If you have a great idea ofwhat to write aboutfor a book, you should write it. It’s as simple as that. Not only are you doing your future readers a disservice by not sharing your creations, but you are also holding yourself back from reaching your full potential. ...
The lab report shouldn’t be written like a novel—a writing style that would be successful in a creative writing course won’t work here! Grammar should be correct (to make the writing clear), but the grader’s goal isn’t to evaluate how well you understand the mechanics of the ...
I used the phrase carve out above for a reason. That’s what it takes. Something in your calendar will likely have to be sacrificed in the interest of writing time. Make sure it’s not your family—they should always be your top priority. Never sacrifice your family on the altar of yo...
There’s a grammatical error in the first sentence. We all make some mistakes, but you should be proofing your emails before hitting send. The word “its” should be “it’s” (short for “it is”) in the first sentence of this outreach email. While typos happen, when you’re asking...
“It just screams that this is one of a hundred mass-produced letters you've sent out and couldn't be bothered. Part of the job of the cover letter is to humanize you to the reader, so an impersonal greeting doesn't help your cause there,” Fishberg says. So what should you go ...
Writers should never become experts. Once you become an expert, you can no longer learn anything new, and if you don’t learn anything new you will become stale and uninspired. Be a novice in everything and you will never run out of things to write about. ...