The Karnataka Transport Department has recently announced that all vehicles registered before April 1, 2019, must have high-security registration plates HSRP number plate by 31/05/2024. Failure to comply with the 31/05/2024 deadline will result in penalties for vehicle owners. The notification sta...
How to calculate the road tax in India? Read more about RTO charges & how it is calculated, how to pay the road tax, toll tax & state wise list of the road tax in India
What is the Mercedes Benz car insurance price in India? The Mercedes Benz car insurance price in India is calculated on the basis of the model, age, and usage of the vehicle. The cost of Mercedes Benz car insurance depends on various factors such as vehicle model, IDV, age/condition of ...
you must have heard about the mandatory High Security Registration Plate or HSRP. It is a standardized vehicle license plate mandated by the Government of India for all motorized road vehicles. With this in mind, you might be wondering why an HSRP plate is mandatory, what are the costs of g...