The Rothschilds were the largest bank in the world in the nineteenth century. Their management structure was based on family and what a family! Internal communication, mutual criticism and intermarriages contributed to achieving banking dominance and fabulous wealth. Industrialisation, wars and ...
lord_rothschild_discusses_how_his_family_created_israel_full_interview.mp4 35 人观看 5 个月前 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Nester Mick 3,367个粉丝 其它视频 13:12 来自Nester Mick的视频 112 人观看 3:59 telegram_video.mp4 17 人观看 0:36 f3.mp4 2 人观看 ...
没有了钱,爱人不是爱人,朋友不是朋友,兄弟不是兄弟。呵呵呵呵呵呵 Is the money really love foundation, sentimental reposing? Had not been rich, the spouse is not the spouse, the friend is not the friend, brothers is not brothers.Ha-ha ha-ha ha-ha[translate]...
The super-rich like Maezawa seem to be keener than ever to get their hands on top-end art, and in the last few years nine figure sums have become less and less unheard of. But what factors ensure that a painting sells for this kind of money? The reputation of the artist Salvator Mu...
The Jewish War On Iran The Jews – Their Lies – Their Critics The Jews Behind Michael Jackson's Life And Death The Judaic Destruction Of Western Culture The Rothschild-Israel Occult Connection The Rothschilds' Secret Operations The War On Terror Is A Jewish Hoax The Zionist Hate Ca...
Modern day America is largely defined by Western Christian and Jewish values, and those of us who grew up in this culture and read the Bible, will naturally tend to read and understand the Bible from our own Western cultural values. However, the inspired
The BEWARE OF FALSE TEACHERS Podcast with Damon Whitsell January 10, 2022 – 12:47 pm Posted in Uncategorized Leave a Comment VIDEO: Does God want us to be rich and have a BIG HOUSE? THIS WORLD IS NOT OUR HOME!!! by Damon Whitsell January 10, 2022 – 7:02 am Posted in ...
“Success is a poor teacher. We learn the most about ourselves when we fail, so don’t be afraid of failing. Failing is part of the process of success. You cannot have success without failure.”– Rich Dad One of the reasons why businesses fail lie in the planning and execution of suc...
Dr. SHIVA’s most recent innovation is the Truth Freedom Health® SYSTEM that is an educational, community, and technology platform that is enabling everyday people to become wiser and smarter – to think beyond Left & Right, “Pro-” and “Anti-” – by learning the SCIENCE OF SYSTEMS ...
The family business continues today, with various wings operating investment and finance firms including: N M Rothschild & Sons, Concordia BV, LCF Rothschild Group, Atticus Capital LP and RIT Capital Partners Do what the rich do You can’t argue with a 200-year history of making money.I don...