2. How does COVID-19 spread from person to person?3. People are thought to be most contagious when they are sickest, aren't they?4. According to the article, through how many ways can people get infected by the virus?5. What is special about COVID-19?6. What do you think you ca...
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Alice, Bob, Cindy, and Frank meet on July 3, 2020. Over the preceding week, on average 184,617 new Covid-19 infections per day have been reported worldwide, a 13% increase over the previous week. In the U.S., the corresponding increase has been 39%. The Fourth of July national ...
Although in-school transmission of COVID-19 among K-12 students is low when safeguards are in place, the risk of acquiring COVID-19 during school bus transportation is unclear. A study published in theJournal of School Healthreports on the bus transport experience of an independent school in ...
Enough time has passed since the 2020 presidential election that we can now ask: What effect did COVID-19, arguably the biggest event of the year — of the century, even — have on the election outcome? The answer to this question probably seems straightforward considering how abysmally Americ...
By analysing the genomes - or genetic 'map' - of the first 160 cases diagnosed in humans around the world, the researchers have mapped how the virus spread. They have also discovered there are three distinct family trees of COVID-19, a discovery which could hel...
Because the COVID-19 recession was partly self-induced, the tendency is to assume it will be short. This was the rationale behind President Trump’s since-abandoned proposal to reopen the economy in mid-April. But this idea is incorrect. As long as there is significant community spread of ...
The virus still moves through direct, indirect, or close contact to quickly infect others. This is especially true for indoor or crowded places. If you're sick with COVID, you have about a 16% chance of infecting your housemates. But you're three times more likely to pass it to your ...
The SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), has spread quickly within the U.S. and other countries. After its initial detection in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, researchers confirmed the first COVID-19 case in the U.S. in the state of Washington on Januar...
from winter break in China did he learn about the spread in his country of the novel coronavirus, which causes a disease called COVID-19. A high school senior at Rockford Lutheran Senior High School in Illinois, he is uncertain of when he will visit his family again in the southern ...