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How psychotherapy works. New York: Guil- ford Press.Rappoport, A. (2002). How psychotherapy works: The concepts of control-mastery theory. Bulletin of the American Academy of Clinical Psychology, 8 , 10 A14.Rappoport, A. (2002). How psychotherapy works: The concepts of control-mastery ...
Disruptions resulting from an epidemic might often appear to amount to chaos but, in reality, can be understood in a systematic way through the lens of “epidemic psychology”. According to Philip Strong, the founder of the sociological study of epidemic
A cold reader claiming to be a pet psychic would probably have a good knowledge of human psychology and animal behavior. Keeping that knowledge in mind, they would: State the obvious. They might watch a dog chew on his paws and say, "He says his paws bother him. They itch all the tim...
Forer once gave some generic personality test to his psychology students, then a week later, gave each of them what he claimed was an individualized personality assessment based on the test results. He asked them to all rate how accurate the assessments were, and they ranked them very high: ...